Monday, 2 November 2020

Dirty Tricks - The Outcome

Pic courtesy ABC

This post is a follow up to my last one (Dirty Tricks - 24th October 2020) .

Now that the state election is done and dusted, it's a good time to reflect on Palmer's activity, and the result.

His intention was apparently to ensure that Labor wasn't returned to government. To put it mildly, that has backfired spectacularly.

He spent, according to reports, $83 million dollars in his efforts to smear Labor. His message was clear and simple, and entirely negative. Often, negative advertising is quite effective, especially when this much cash is thrown at it. In this case, it seems to have been completely useless.

Full page advertisements in all the syndicated local papers up and down the coast, blanket Youtube ads featuring his wife, and unsolicited SMS messages were thrown at everybody with abandon.

In my case, I contacted Mineralogy, the source of the messages, according to the accompanying blurb, and requested that my phone number be removed from the UAP's database, to no avail.

The person who answered the phone promised apologetically to meet my request, but the messages kept coming.

This arrogance is probably a large part of the reason his campaign fell flat. Queensland voters aren't stupid. Most people object to their personal information being used without consent, and this probably got many people offside.

The Youtube ads featuring his wife were also probably counter productive. In my case, looking at her face as she read the cue board in wooden fashion, the only emotion elicited was sympathy. Apparently, the voters of Currumbin (where she was a candidate) had much the same reaction.

Palmer is the closest thing in this country corresponding to the US PAC phenomenon , and it's gratifying to see that Queenslanders, at least, aren't impressed.

Clive has learned (the hard way) that in this country, at least, democracy can't be bought and sold.

The media, especially the syndacted local papers have gleefully pocketed the $83 million. It might keep them afloat for a while longer.

Comments closed.


Anonymous said...

So the blogger says on his last post "Now where did I mention Clive Palmer?"
Yet now says he was talking about him the whole time.
Get your lies straight. Inconsistency draws attention to you.
John Grey.

1735099 said...

At the time I posted, I had only guessed the letter scam was a Palmer operation, and if you read that post again, you'll note his name wasn't mentioned.
It turned out my guess was correct, as admitted by the staffer I phoned.
Don't sulk.
It's just my ICD* at work.
*Inbuilt Crap Detector

Anonymous said...

Your lies are so transparent, blogger. Pitiful really.
On the previous post you clearly identified Palmer.

Put it another way - if he sued you for defamation you wouldn't have a leg to stand on, the identification is so specific and targeted.
John Grey

Anonymous said...

Just in case the other reader of this vanity blog missed the blogger's clear identification of Palmer in his previous missive, here he is categorically identifying Palmer:

"There is one very wealthy and fairly large Queensland businessman prone to disruptive stunts. Perhaps I am cynical, but I can see his grubby hands all over this one. The content is classic snake-oil material, typical of this individual who is reported to have bought large quantities of the chemical referred to in the letter, only to find that no doctors anywhere in the country will use it.

Remember how he was going to build a Titanic replica, and how that sunk without trace? "

But he didn't mention his name!!!!!! hahahahahaha.
John Grey.

Anonymous said...

Oh and another thing - the blogger didn't mention Palmer's name BUT did direct our attention to Palmer's company, Mineralogy.
No sir, nothing to see here, move right along, no reference to Palmer at all. hahahahahaha
John Grey.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear.
You are digging yourself into deeper piles of dung.
"as admitted by the staffer I phoned" - so you knew when you wrote the last post that it was Palmer's letter.
Your poor logic and blatant lying are really going to get you into serious trouble, especially if those Russian bots who flip through here are counted as "readers" when analysing the damage you have done to Palmer's reputation.
John Grey.

Anonymous said...

It's gratifying to see Palmer's spite going to waste.

Anonymous said...

Pocket money for Palmer.
Spite? Nah, well researched arguments which fly over the heads of most Queenslanders (the blogger included).
John Grey

Anonymous said...

I see on Catallaxy Files that the blogger has made another egregious grammatical error.
Yet he has the hypocricy to call others out for similar mistakes.
He's just a lying dog faced pony soldier.
John Grey

Anonymous said...

Maree and Jeannie...the names feature often in the family tree of the blogger. Has he assumed other identities to corroborate his postings and denigrate the other reader?

I am not John Grey and obviously not not a a member of the blogger's family.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of dirty tricks - I see the lefts goons in America are preventing Republican official Poll Watchers from entering polling places today.
John Grey

Anonymous said...

Even the blogger will be embarrassed at the dirty tricks performed by the Dems in America right now.
Outright election stealing.
John Grey.

1735099 said...

Even the blogger will be embarrassed at the dirty tricks performed by the Dems in America right now.
My American friends are the ones who are embarrassed, both by the childish behaviour of their president, and their chaotic undemocratic electoral system.
Biden is currently leading the national popular vote with 50.5% to Trump's 48%, a lead of 3.7 million votes.
I wonder how those 3.7 million feel - embarrassed perhaps?

1735099 said...

Poor old Clive can't take a trick -

Anonymous said...

No comment by the blogger about Biden's 5 times deferment from service in Vietnam?
Probably embarrassed that his own deferment would be mentioned.
John Grey.

Anonymous said...

"Poor old Clive can't take a trick"
Of course not. When the PM sides against him, all decisions will go against him.
When the PM doesn't care about the Constitution, why would a court?
John Grey.

Textbook Intimidation

I'm posting this, gentle reader, because I've seen nothing more bizarre in my lifetime. The first few minutes of the video show Zele...