Sunday, 16 January 2022

The Djoke


Pic courtesy Youtube

Back in pre-Fitzgerald days in Queensland, police talked about being in on the “Joke”. That particular joke concerned police corruption.

Now we have a new running joke about the issue of an unvaccinated tennis player. You know the story. His visa was cancelled, he then won a court battle overturning the original decision, and the matter is going back to the federal court as this is written.

There seems to have been very poor communication between Tennis Australia, the Victorian State government, and the Australian Border Force.

In the end, the decision to withdraw a visa rests with the Minister, and he has made his position clear.

It’s very hard to avoid the cynical conclusion the Morrison government is exploiting what was probably a monumental stuff-up and turning it into a political opportunity. It smells a bit like the Tampa incident. The bulk of voters probably couldn’t care less about whether this particular celebrity goes or stays, but they are fed up to the back teeth by exceptions made to said celebrities.

I well remember what my daughter went though last year when she was trying to get home. Apart from anything else, it cost her a great deal of money, and for a while, rendered her homeless, relying on the generosity of friends. Federal government decisions limiting the numbers of returning Australians completely wrecked her plans. She was an Australian citizen and was fully vaccinated. Djokovic is an alien, and unvaccinated. Obviously, there is one rule for elite athletes, and another for the plebs.

As a parent, I went through this ordeal with her, as did tens of thousands of others. We have good memories and can’t abide exceptions being made on the basis of celebrity status.

It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and at least Australians have been reminded of the plight of thousands of people in detention who happen not to be celebrities.

What happens to Djokovic is neither here nor there, but the whole hairy chested border control narrative exposes the level of opportunistic cynicism characterising the current government.

The joke is on the Australian electorate.

Update: The deportation stands, which seems to be OK with most. 


  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...