Friday, 3 June 2022

Censorship - US Style

Image courtesy CNN

For a bit of a giggle, I occasionally post on one or more of the gun fetishist websites that abound across the Pacific. There's not really anything faintly amusing about the situation in that country, given that there have been twenty-seven school shootings so far this year, but there is some bizarre comedy in the weird rationalisations the gun lobby uses to cover their backsides. 

You may remember this exchange a few years ago.

I do this in the (very) faint hope that some appeal to reason may be possible. It's indeed a very faint hope. Appealing to the Taliban would probably be equally productive.

Come to think of it, the NRA and the Taliban have a great deal in common.

Anyway, I posted this on the above website a few days ago. It was censored of course, but I took the precaution of taking a screenshot.

This will, in the fullness of time, be posted on that same website - 

As they say in the classics, hope springs eternal.

Speaking of hope, parents of children attending elementary school across the Pacific must be hopeful on a daily basis. They having nothing else to cling to. 

Their legislators seem paralyzed, and their law enforcement agencies hamstrung.

The noisy (and very small) minority that push for a relaxation of our gun regulatory laws in this country need only to glance eastwards to get a glimpse of what they re advocating....

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  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...