Sunday, 11 June 2023

The Mobster Indicted


It's difficult, gentle reader, to ignore the soap opera in train across the Pacific, and once again, I am drawn like a moth to the flame. Please forgive me, but it is pretty incredible stuff.

The bland facts are, that an ex-POTUS has purloined a heap of classified documents, loaded them up, and taken them with him when he left office.

There is absolutely no doubt about this. The evidence is documented, recorded, and available.

His protestations that he can declassify a document by thinking about it are incredible, but there are plenty that have drunk the Trumpaide, who believe it. For me, the amazing aspect of all this is not so much that he makes these bizarre statements, but that some people actually believe them.

Then there's the cover up. Like his partner in crime, the late and unlamented Richard Nixon, the cover up has the potential to do real damage to his case. Not that there is any issue about the extent of the case against him.

It's stark and clear.

The jellybacks in the Republican party are using "whataboutism" as his defence. Nobody cares - nepotism has been a feature of US politics since Adam was a pup. 

If nothing else, it makes for fascinating entertainment. Watching a slow train wreck is always riveting.

If only it was fiction. The fact that it isn't is the most disturbing feature of the ongoing saga.


  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...