Friday, 23 November 2012
Farewell Aunty Jack
Television has been around for 50 years in this country.
The Aunty Jack Show was probably the most memorable and original television seen during this time.
It was at the same time brilliant and bizarre. I watch very little TV, but will happily watch reruns of Aunty Jack till the cows come home.
Grahame Bond was brilliant, although perhaps a flawed genius.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
The Church Bleeds
Leader front page. No mention or pic of George Pell |
There was applause after the sermon at our local mass today.
pretty unusual.
came after the priest quoted Plato in reference to the recently announced Royal
Commission to investigate child abuse in churches and other institutions.
quote -
can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life
is when men are afraid of the light."
heartfelt applause I saw and heard this morning after this sermon is symptomatic of the
deep distress that this issue has caused to Catholics all over the country. Sermons
are not usually applauded.
distress this abuse has visited on the victims and their families is of another
dimension entirely. I should know.
is not understood is that the trauma of such an event doesn't disappear with
the passage of time. It is accommodated, but it never goes away, and in many
cases changes the victim forever.
perhaps, to use another quote (Luke 23:24) -
forgive them, for they know not what they do".
is going to be very difficult for victims and their families, but perhaps the
Royal Commission will shed light on why this has happened to so many defenceless
As a
practicing Catholic, for whom the church has been a steadying anchor for all of
my life, I am bewildered by the contrast between the values I have seen put in
practice by the church throughout my life, and the behaviour of a small minority of the
attended a Catholic boarding school, and my children all attended Catholic
schools. Because we moved around a bit, they also spent large chunks of their
schooling in state schools, as I did. I am unaware of any abuse through this
time in either system.
because we attended parish schools, many with lay teachers, abuse was less
likely. It does seem to have been a problem in institutions where members of
the clergy (priests or brothers) were in positions of power and trust.
sure there is a link between institutional culture and abuse. As a school
principal I always worked hard to try to ensure that power cliques were no part
of school culture. On one occasion, I was appointed to a school where such a
clique was embedded in the culture. It took three years of hard graft to get
rid of it.
abuse is about power - not sex. The best way to avoid it happening in an
institution is to develop a culture where power hierarchies can't grow and thrive.
what does this mean for the church?
probably means the abolition of hierarchies.
It probably means opening the church up to married clergy and the
ordination of women. It probably means a return to Catholic social justice
values that were such a feature of Vatican II.
Given the current leadership (Pell locally and Benedict in
the Vatican) I don't hold out much hope of reform. Vatican II back in the mid
sixties set the course of the church in the direction of inclusion, liberation
and encouraged dialogue and flexibility. Many liberation movements saw their
origins in Vatican II. Notable amongst these was the rise of Solidarity in
Poland, and many Social Justice movements in South America.
Out of it grew Liberation theology. This is an essentially
Catholic political movement which interprets Christian beliefs in political terms,
and seeks to put these values into action. The political values are about liberation from
unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described by
proponents as “an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor’s
suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic
faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor”.
Those critical of Liberation theology see it as Marxism
dressed up as Christianity.
Like many other Catholics of my generation, I was brought up in this tradition. Much of my political viewpoint is based on Liberation theology because it matches neatly with my belief and value system. I work in my local parish in the social justice group. We work with migrants and refugees.
Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) a man of the Right, also
known as the Vatican’s Rottweiler when he was a Cardinal is seeking to reverse
many of the trends set during Vatican II. Recent evidence of this was the
sacking of our local Bishop (Bill Morris).
It’s no coincidence that Toowoomba diocese has more social
justice infrastructure than any other Australian diocese. Bill Morris also
handled child abuse in St Saviour’s school in Toowoomba in an honest and open
manner by making an immediate and very public apology and ensuring that there
was no contest by the Diocese to any of the claims. In doing this, he ignored
George Pell.
All of this is relevant in terms of the Royal Commission.
Institutional abuse needs a culture (a medium for growth) in which to thrive.
Any institution characterised by hierarchical power structures, rigidity and a
mono gender makeup is at risk. Moves to open the church up to married clergy
and women in the priesthood have been stoutly resisted by Ratzinger. This was
one of the issues that got Morris booted, and all he did was write a letter
about it to his diocesan laity.
Like many other practising Catholics, I see a connection
between the power structures grimly held on to by the old guard in the church
and child abuse. I welcome the enquiry, and would like to see some
recommendations at the end of it that look at institutional structure. My
church needs to be liberated from its medieval roots, and move back to the
political centre-left where it fits best.
the strong progressive values espoused by orders such as the Josephites will
provide a template.
hope so. My church is bleeding.
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