Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Unintended Consequences

As I've been in schools this week I've had to work around NAPLAN testing.

This is a minor pain in the butt, and fairly easily managed, but there are other aspects of the process that I find disquieting.

The atmosphere in schools during the week of testing is, to say the least, toxic.

It reminds me of the days when school inspectors ruled and teachers, principals and students quaked in their presence.

This atmosphere is indicative of the collateral damage caused by the all size fits all big stick approach that accompanies political interference in the education process.

Schools resemble families more than they do factories.

Until the pollies understand this, their interventions, even if well-intentioned, will always produce unintended consequences, including the commercial cashing in exemplified in the pic.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

A Reading of History

This is one of those images that speaks louder than words.

It pretty neatly summarises the view of some in this country who are uncomfortable with our history.

It was posted on Facebook by a family member, but I don't know where he found it.

Rock Crushers and the NDIS

This is the Catholic Leader's read on the NDIS.

They've got it right.

Some extracts -

"Whatever view individuals may take on the Federal Government's decision to part-fund the scheme through a public tax, we must not forget the very important fact that the NDIS - once implemented - will be life-changing for those living with a disability ...," he said.

"He" is  Executive Director of Centacare Australia, Peter Selwood.

And -

 "While understandable that many people are reluctant to pay what they see as 'yet another' government tax hike, the resulting impact this could have on the life of someone living with a disability makes it seem a relatively small price to pay."

The LNP government in Queensland signed up at the end of last week.

This initiative is the most significant development I've seen in this field since I started working in it in 1971.



  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...