Friday, 28 December 2012

Happy Christmas from Campbell

Toowoomba carer Patrick Boyce

I've blogged about this before, but have chosen to post it today to provide an example of the effects of the Newman government's policies on the community of people with disabilities.

The full story is in today's Toowoomba Chronicle.

Remember - this is simply one example.

It is being reproduced all over the state. Most carers are too tired and in too much despair to take the issue to the media so that a little sunshine can be shed.

Lifestyle programmes, which strongly enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families, are not expensive, and allow community engagement. To withdraw this funding indicates an attitude towards this most vulnerable group that I haven't encountered in government since the seventies. 

Acknowledgements to the Toowoomba Chronicle for the Pic.

Thursday, 27 December 2012


Another graphic – this time it follows Campbell Newman’s performance as Queensland Premier.

I reckon there’s some evidence of a pattern emerging…..

Sunday, 23 December 2012

The Flight of Reason

Sometimes cartoons tell the truth in a way that text can't match.

Here is an example from a provincial newspaper, the Hartford Courant.

It's response to Wayne La Pierre (cheerleader for the NRA) blaming everything from the media to Hollywood for gun massacres in the USA..


  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...