Friday, 26 February 2010

Jellybeans in the Jungle - Rookies

Off the Beaten Track

For the last two weeks I've been working a little off the beaten track.

Posted is a montage of shots taken here and there during these trips. It's an attempt to capture the humid energy of the bush that hits you in the face during a real wet season. Double-click on the images to see them full size.

Open road - green grass, and lots of midges. (Near Augathella)

North of Teelba - some of the best cattle country around - especially now.

There are places where the map loaded in the GPS isn't up to the task, and it gets confused and the little arrow marker floats around in the ether. I use it mostly to keep track of arrival times at the next job.

Mungallalla hotel - the power pole spoils it a bit. This is a very old pub - grey nomads can camp in the grounds for free. This time of the year they're generally still in Mexico (Victoria).

On approach to Roma. The creeks are up. The flight was smooth once above the weather (aircraft is pressurised) but there were lots of corrugations and potholes on approach and departure. There's plenty of heat-generated energy around.

On the ground at Charleville. The Aero Commander on the left is the mail plane. My plane is the Piper Cheyenne Turbo on the right. The fence with a PIN number providing access is to keep the terrorists out. It's conceivable that a small plane could be stolen and flown to a city airport to access the flight line. 9/11 has tentacles everywhere.

Waiting for the off at Roma. It's wet. There are sandflies. I'm allergic. I have aerogard.

Storm building up near Mitchell.

It won't look like this again for between five and ten years.


  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...