Friday, 7 March 2014

Dem Dreaded Double Lines

You may, dear reader, be coming to the conclusion that I have an obsession with videos captured by my trusty dash cam.

Not so.

I am on the road a great deal, the camera is always on, and every now and again I capture videos that are worth sharing.

This is another one on the meme of Cowboy Truckies.

At about the twenty second mark, you will see double lines appear. A few seconds later, you'll notice a road train overtaking on these same double lines.

The road is straight, and visibility good, so why are there double lines on this stretch of road? It's because there is a property access road coming in from the right, and overtaking is a very bad idea across access roads.

This truckie obviously thought he was above the law, or knew better than the engineers who designed and built the road.

It's a not a great attitude when you're responsible for thirty tonnes of kit traveling at 100km/hr.

There's a great deal of kinetic energy in that combination.

I let him go - and made no attempt to overtake. The vehicle I did overtake was the road train following, which is the rig old mate crossed the double lines to pass.

I'd much rather have someone with that attitude ahead of me where I could see him.

The road was the Warrego Highway between Chinchilla and Dalby, and the vehicle was a Nissan Dualis.


  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...