Thursday, 1 January 2009

Timmeh's Minders

I've been having a good time during the last 24 hours commenting on Tim Blair's blog. You know the one – it's best known for a fairly narrow set of themes based loosely around lampooning the Labor government, anyone who isn't a climate change skeptic, and anyone that is grabbing sufficient attention to threaten Blair's (apparently fragile) ego.

I don't usually have the time for this, but it fitted in well with seeing the New Year in and waiting up for my kids as they returned, one-by-one, from various festivities. (I'll not miss this when we become empty-nesters in February).

In the course of a response to a Blair post lampooning an anti-Israel demonstration in New York, I've incurred the wrath of an individual called Nkomo, one of the moderators, and been censored.
My crime? I was told "hypocrisy", but I asked for more precision, it wasn't given. This means I'm not entirely sure, but it must have been one of the following –

Calling Blair a disgrace for lampooning an earnest (if dyslexic) demonstrator whilst ignoring the fact that hundreds of civilians (both Israeli and Palestinian) are being killed.


Leaving a blank space at the bottom of my comment for gratuitous abuse, but not actually writing anything there. (I'd been called everything from "moral midget", to "small, shrivelled soul").

After two years in the army, and forty years as a teacher, name-calling is a bit wasted on me.

Some people become very upset when you disagree with them.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see if the ban is permanent. It may not be a bad thing if it was - I'm wasting far too much time on this activity.


Boy on a bike said...

Today seemed to be unusually rough all round. Some people must have had a big night last night.

1735099 said...

Moderation must be difficult at the best of times. With a hangover it would be purgatory.

kae said...

Hi 17
Moderation difficult with a hangover... for the mods or the commenters?

lol WV: twipsit

1735099 said...

Gidday Kae

Anonymous said...

Hey boy on a bike, has Kae stolen your avatar?

Anonymous said...

You make more of your time in the Army than your forty in teaching. I think this says something about you.

1735099 said...


I beg to differ. Look at the label count -

* Books (6)
* Education (18)
* Family (5)
* Firearms (3)
* Media (7)
* Motoring (14)
* Movies (1)
* Politics (62)
* Travel (9)
* Vietnam (14)
* Whimsy (18)

Vietnam comes a distant fourth, (same as motoring) after Politics,
Whimsy and Education.


  Image courtesy Vanguard News Unbridled arrogance, gentle reader, has always been a feature of modern American culture. I saw it first hand...