Saturday, 2 July 2011

One Myth Debunked

You've probably heard the phrase "they don't make them like they used to" as applied to motor vehicles.

It's probably just as well when you look at the results of a staged collision between two Chevs, one a 2009 Malibu and the other a 1959 Bel Air.

It was set up by the US Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The accompanying blurb explains -
In the 50 years since US insurers organized the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, car crashworthiness has improved. Demonstrating this was a crash test conducted on Sept. 9 between a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air and a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu. In a real-world collision similar to this test, occupants of the new model would fare much better than in the vintage Chevy.

"It was night and day, the difference in occupant protection," says Institute president Adrian Lund. What this test shows is that automakers don't build cars like they used to. They build them better."

The crash test was conducted at an event to celebrate the contributions of auto insurers to highway safety progress over 50 years. Beginning with the Institute's 1959 founding, insurers have maintained the resolve, articulated in the 1950s, to "conduct, sponsor, and encourage programs designed to aid in the conservation and preservation of life and property from the hazards of highway accidents."

A decade after the Institute was founded, insurers directed this organization to begin collecting data on crashes and the cost of repairing vehicles damaged in crashes. To lead this work and the Institute's expanded research program, insurers named a new president, William Haddon Jr., who already was a pioneer in the field of highway safety. In welcoming Dr. Haddon, Thomas Morrill of State Farm said "the ability to bring unbiased scientific data to the table is extremely valuable." This scientific approach, ushered in by Dr. Haddon, is a hallmark of Institute work. It's why the Institute launched the Highway Loss Data Institute in 1972 — to collect and analyze insurance loss results to provide consumers with model-by-model comparisons.

Another Institute milestone was the 1992 opening of the Vehicle Research Center. Since then, the Institute has conducted much of the research that has contributed to safer vehicles on US roads. At the anniversary event, current Institute chairman Gregory Ostergren of American National Property and Casualty summed up a commitment to continue what fellow insurers began in 1959: "On this golden anniversary of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, we celebrate this organization's accomplishments toward safer drivers, vehicles, and roadways. We salute the vision of the Institute's founders and proudly continue their commitment to highway safety."

Nothing more to say really.


cav said...

The question is, will the Chev Malibu be running just as good in 50 years time?

1735099 said...

Probably not - by 2061 there won't be any reserves of crude left to power them.

cav said...

Come on 1735099, we haven't even hit peak oil yet have we?

1735099 said...

Peak Oil remains an hypothesis. I'd be very reluctant to try to forecast the situation in 2061. Maybe we'll be getting around in hydrogen powered vehicles. This website has some interesting research on future energy needs -

Boy on a bike said...

The only thing you old farts will be driving in 2061 will be wheelchairs.

1735099 said...

Hope you're right. I'll be 114.

Anonymous said...

The 1959 was gutted and had its engine removed. If they did this to it, they could've done even more to make the 1959 look bad.

Just plain lies from the crooks who shot the video.

1735099 said...

And the moon landings were staged to make the USA look good? Sometimes conspiracy theories are exactly that.
Go here to learn something - www.randi/org/site/index.php/swift-blog/1073-of-cars-and-conspiracies.HTML


  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...