Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Chickenman Remembered
Friday, 22 December 2023
"Jellybeans" in Hindsight
1000 copies were printed. There are about 80 left.
Looking back on the experience is interesting.
I wrote it because it was something I'd always wanted to do. The story was in my memory and had been for years. I had also been back to Vietnam a couple of times, and those trips had put a lot of things in perspective.
The school I had retired from in my last principalship was happy to organise a book release as a fundraiser, and I undertook to provide a percentage of the proceeds to the P & C.
It was marketed through word of mouth, a couple of radio interviews, a website, advertisements on a couple of websites, and most recently in DVA's Vetaffairs newsletter.
I travelled to the USA in 2018, and established contacts with Vietnam veterans across the Pacific to help sell the eBook version. Selling hard copy overseas was never a possibility because of mailing costs. It was reviewed by Marc Leepson in 2018.
It has been stocked in a couple of Dymocks bookstores.
Since release, about 900 copies have been sold, and quite a few (I haven't counted) given away, mostly to fellow Nashos.
Apart from the experience of writing it, it has been a reliable minor earner, and helped keep me in coffee and beer money since released. The P & C also did OK.
I've given a few author talks at libraries. What surprised me at these functions was the deep ignorance of our Vietnam commitment demonstrated by audience members. Where these author talks were conducted with veteran groups, as a few were, the acceptance of some toxic myths surprised me.
This was substantially what motivated me to commit to further research about National Service Conscription at USQ.
It's still available, by the way.
I have no regrets, gentle reader, everybody should write a book. Have a go....
Monday, 11 December 2023
Covid Continues
It's finally caught up with me - the dreaded Covid.
It's probably my own fault because I wasn't up to date with the vaccine. I was lulled into a false sense of security, as much as anything else because the issue has been completely ignored by the media.
I had made a booking to get the most recent version of the vaccine but had come down with mild respiratory symptoms on the day of the booking, and when I turned up at the surgery was banished to the carpark.
My GP sent me off for testing, and sure enough I was positive. He was apologetic for not seeing me in the surgery, but explained (from about three metres away on the passenger's side of the car) that he'd had so many bad experiences with himself and staff going down with the bug that he was being very cautious.
What I found confusing was that the pathologist wasn't masked or gowned. I hope she doesn't contract it.
One the positive diagnosis was sent by text, I was booked for a telemedicine appointment which resulted in a course of antivirals. The guidelines were pretty clear, so I've been isolating since diagnosis, which is a greater inconvenience than the virus itself. I have a few days to go.
Mind you, the first few days weren't pretty (burning eyes, sinus headaches, and sandpaper throat). I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. That only lasted a day or two, and has cleared up. The antivirals seem to have worked for me. They have side effects, but in my case minor - a metallic taste which persists.
So far, my bride seems to have escaped, so fingers crossed.
As to how I caught it - who knows. I did venture unmasked to a large shopping centre congested by the Christmas rush a few days before onset of symptoms, so perhaps that's where it originated. The fact is, the virus is still rampant, even if mainstream media has decided to ignore it.
I's no linger a story that sells papers or attracts clics, I guess.
The statistics speak for themselves in terms of how it was handled in Australia, but the wingnuts across the Pacific (which has a death rate four times ours), and a few here, continue to make a big noise.
What remains unmentioned is that 135840 cases have been reported in Queensland this year, and weekly averages are around 1500 weekly. When you consider that many cases go unreported, it's likely that the real incidence rate is much higher.
Wear a mask in congested areas, gentle reader, and ignore the outrage merchants who really don't have anything to complain about.
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Hysteria in Politics

Thursday, 23 November 2023
Personal Pronoun Primer
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Image courtesy Liveabout |
Even when working as an itinerant consultant in bush schools between 2007 and 2017, I frequently had to restrain myself from correcting the grammar written on blackboards by teachers that I saw from time to time .
There are two common examples.
Take "your", and "you're" for example.
"Your" is the first person possessive pronoun. Its usage is very straightforward. Yet, somehow people confuse it with "you're" which is a contraction. "You're" is a shortening of "you are".
For example - "You're late for your appointment".
Then there's "their" and "they're".
"Their" is the third person possessive pronoun. "They're" is a contraction, a shortening of "they are".
For example - "They're going to collect their wages".
It's pretty simple.
I reserve the right to correct any grammar errors that are posted in comments on this site. I will always correct them on any sites I comment on, and am, as a consequence, often accused of pedantry.
It's weird that the same people who are bemoaning what they consider an erosion of Anglo values, are disrespecting the heritage they claim to honour by abusing the basic grammar of the English language.
Strange but true.
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
The Media Megaphone

Sunday, 5 November 2023
Australians at War Film Archive ..
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Pic courtesy Marlowes Books |
In the process of completing my master's thesis I encountered this archive of videotaped interviews prepared in the early 2000s by the University of New South Wales.
The collection was commissioned through the Department of Veterans Affairs and is a diverse and exhaustive collection of personal military histories.
It is also a remarkable historical resource of information about Australian social and cultural life.
Anybody with any interest in military history will find it of enormous value in understanding the political and cultural history of the time, as the men and women interviewed were encouraged to describe the context of the era, and their place in it.
What fascinated me were the interviews with people who had served in Vietnam across a range of units and corps. Almost to a man (or woman - as there were a few nurses and one physiotherapist interviewed), they described the disillusionment they felt when they compared what they had been told before disembarking with what they encountered in country.
Also consistent within the hundreds of interviews were the reports of the consequences of service on participants for the decades that followed. There was a clear pattern. Initially, on return to Australia, most simply put the experience behind them, and in most cases were happy not to admit their veteran status.
As time went on, many found that they succumbed to a range of problems, which in many cases meant that they were no longer able to function well enough to live productively.
The temptation to continue with research, advancing to a Ph D proposal is strong. This time, I'd like to examine the stories of Nashos who remained in Australia for the duration of their service.
These soldiers were indeed the men Australia forgot.
Friday, 27 October 2023
Winning Friends and Influencing People (Not)
Monday, 16 October 2023
Australia, the Nation with a Hearing Impairment
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Image courtesy Depositphotos |
Now that the referendum is done, gentle reader, it's time for an analysis - or maybe a post mortem.
The proposition was dead from the day that Littleproud, looking over his shoulder at the 5% of PHON voters that stalk the Nationals in Queensland, scurried away from the idea like a rabbit on the run.
This left Dutton with the possibility of blowing up the Coalition agreement if he supported the "Yes" case, and although many in his party were supportive, he also took the coward's option.
From that moment, given the history of referenda lacking bipartisan support, the enterprise was doomed.
The disinformation spread on social media by the keyboard warriors didn't help, but probably wasn't a decisive issue. Disregard, complacency, and general disengagement were complicit. Unfortunately, much of the casual nascent racism that persists on the edges of our culture emerged in this media. Some of it was also apparent on what is called mainstream media.
We used to have a saying in Vietnam - "Thumb in bum - brain in neutral". It was applied to soldiers who had become so complacent, patrolling in a "switched-off" state of mind, that they were a risk to themselves and other soldiers.
This complacency exists in perhaps half our voting population. If they're not affected, they really couldn't care less. The same cynical political principle applied fifty years ago when 1/12 of twenty year olds were conscripted to fight overseas in a civil war in peacetime. Despite that fact that the policy was morally bankrupt and anti-democratic, it persisted for about ten years until Australian voters woke up.
So that's the "why".
Let's look at the "what".
First up, indigenous Australians were supportive. This is evident when you examine voting patterns in the remote mobile booths in Lingiari, and on Palm Island. Mornington Island, Hopevale and Yarrabah showed a similar pattern.
Secondly, the electorates that the Coalition lost in 2022 to Green and Teal independents voted solidly "Yes". This means that voters in these electorates are feeling more than a little aggrieved. What are the odds that they will return to the Coalition next federal poll?
Dutton may have begun a journey towards the complete demise of his Coalition.
Update - This map of the voting patterns in indigenous communities gives the lie to the statement from Jacinta Price that they didn't support it.
Friday, 6 October 2023
There are a number of different dictionary meanings for this word, gentle reader.
They include "freedom from external control or influence", or "the power or right to act, speak or think as one chooses", or "the state of not being subject to or affected by something".
To me, the vital element of true autonomy lies in an individual or society's capacity to control, manage, develop and/or improve quality of life.
This element is particularly vital to people living with disability. In that case, personal autonomy is often dependant on the capacity to live without relying on others. Of course, for many the disability (which could be related to age or physical impairment) makes it impossible to get by without some form of external help, and the way in which this help is applied can make all the difference.
In other words, true autonomy means that the person being helped is in control and has the power to choose what kind of help is most useful and important. He/she should always be in charge.
And this is often when, with the best of intentions, it breaks down. By that I mean that well-intentioned people, often paid to help, will almost subconsciously begin to exert power and control over the individual or group. Once this happens, the relationship between the those being helped and those helping becomes a co-dependency.
This is unhelpful, and creates a situation which prevents any growth or development on the part of the dependent group or individual. This is what Noel Pearson often talks about. At the root of it all is resistance to the transfer of power from the helping agency to the target group, or individual.
And this, gentle reader is the main reason behind the lack of progress in improving quality of life for people in remote communities, indigenous or otherwise, and is what the Voice is all about.
Opponents of this transfer of power are often not aware of this issue, and are fearful of a change in the status quo.
Now I have often been admonished by Murris when I point out a similarity between the plight of people with disabilities, and people in remote communities, but I'd always insist there is a valid case to be made that the problem is about a transfer of power.
Until these people gain control of their own destiny, nothing will change.
Will the Voice achieve that?
I don't know, but it's a good place to start...
Saturday, 30 September 2023
Same Old, Same Old...
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Pic courtesy Montrose Services |
The Disability Royal Commission has just released its findings.
There are over two hundred recommendations. Enacting them will be a monumental task.
The last Royal Commission with as many recommendations as this one was the 1991 inquiry into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
Of *RCIADIC's 339 recommendations, a Deloitte Access Economics review in 2018 found that, 64% have been implemented in full, 14% have been mostly implemented, 16% have been partially implemented and 6% have not been implemented.
It's to be hoped that twenty-seven years down the track, the disability royal commission has a better outcome.
Somehow, although I won't be around to see it that far down the track, I believe that the result for people with disabilities will be similar to that for indigenous people in custody.
I write this because everything I saw in my 40 year career in special education points in this direction. Ironically, the five years I spent in aboriginal education in remote North-West Queensland confirms it.
Both are areas of enormous challenge, and both are shaped by the general population's disregard, sprinkled with a fair amount of fear and ignorance.
It is dismaying to note the disagreement about recommendations for the future of both special schools and group homes reflected in the findings. The commissioners were divided.
It's profoundly depressing, that in the year 2023, we are stuck in the worn out debates about provision, with the argument cycling around binary concepts, of one style of organisation opposing another.
Here's a simpler solution. All schools should be special schools, and all accommodation universal. By that I mean that the lock-step, highly graded and hierarchical organisational structure of conventional schools doesn't really suit anyone, let alone students with disabilities.
Schools should be ultimately flexible, and organised around the learning needs of the enrolment, not the classroom spaces and timetable. It can be done, and has been successful. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership has released a paper that is well worth a read.
State governments in this country are generally responsible for schooling, and I can't see any of the current governments with the requisite courage and foresight to change the fundamentals. This is, of course, because governments are run by politicians, not teachers, and education is one of the most politically sensitive aspects of government. It was ever thus...
*Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Comments closed.
Friday, 22 September 2023
The Story of Thomas Samuels
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Pic Courtesy AWM` |
He was interviewed in 2005 ago by the State Library of South Australia. It's worth a listen.
The unfortunate part of this story is that Thomas Samuel's experience was far from unique. Many indigenous men shopped around from depot to depot until they found one that would allow them to enlist, and went on to serve.
It also demonstrates the disrespect held for our indigenous Australians back then. Aboriginality was classified on his documents as a disease.
Not much changed between 2017 and 1965. Many indigenous men who were called up in the second national service scheme were treated with similar disrespect. The bottom line was that the Department of Labour and National Service really wasn't sure of their status.
Unfortunately much of that disrespect remains as can be seen by what is appearing on social media.
Read it and weep.
*Wounded in action
Comments closed.
Sunday, 17 September 2023
The Ugly Underbelly
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A cartoon doing the rounds in the first conscription referendum over 100 years ago. |
There has been recent media accusing proponents of both sides of the Voice debate of racism.
I decided to do my own investigation of what's appearing on my feed over the last few weeks. I almost wish I hadn't.
Below are a collection of posts that appeared in a group supporting the "No" case.
This is just one day's collection.
I won't attempt to categorise them, but as you can see, gentle reader, they encapsulate the stereotypes and cliches that are held by some of the "No" supporters.
Now I'm not suggesting that the "Yes" supporters are all sweetness and light, but these tropes (aborigines are violent, greedy, lazy and wasteful) don't appear on their supporters' pages.
The accusations of cruelty and violence are interesting put in the context of the colonial practice in the UK of hanging drawing and quartering at the time. It wasn't until 1870 that it was abolished.
If, as appears likely as this is written, the referendum goes down, it may deliver outcomes that Dutton and Littleproud may live to regret.
George Megalogenis explains it pretty well in this podcast.
Comments closed.
Sunday, 10 September 2023
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Pic courtesy |
This is another post which references the Voice, but is more about the history.
I've lived all over Queensland, and every reasonably sized town that I've known has a Boundary Street or Boundary Road. That includes Rockhampton, Townsville, Toowoomba, and of course, Brisbane.
Try entering "Boundary St" or "Boundary Rd" into Google Maps, and see how you go.
I've never really wondered why this was the case, but recent reading has revealed some interesting (and harrowing) history.
These streets and roads mark out the perimeters beyond which indigenous people were not allowed to venture at night during the week or on Sundays. They were common in Queensland towns and settlements and were usually marked by a wooden post (boundary posts).
In Brisbane, since the early 1850s, Aborigines had been allowed into the town during the day, but could be driven out by the police using regulations that came into force about that time.
They were allowed to come in beyond the boundary during the week where they performed menial tasks in exchange for tobacco, flour and other rations. By the 1870s, organized groups of police would round up any aborigines inside the boundary and used stockwhips to move them out. They would be removed to camps on various watercourses in Dutton Park, Fairfield, Annerley and Coorparoo.
Strangely, in a mid-twentieth century reprise of this process, the boundaries were reinstated to keep African-American servicemen on the "correct" side of the Brisbane River. White Americans were allowed on the north side of the river, but the blacks were expected to confine themselves to the south. This was one of the situations which triggered the famous Battle of Brisbane on 26th and 27th November 1942, when an Australian soldier took exception to an American Military Policeman's attempts to arrest a black soldier with whom he had been drinking presumably because he was on the wrong (north) side of the river.
The MP used his truncheon on the Australian, and all hell broke loose. There had been simmering resentment of the Yanks for months, but race was the trigger.
Given the vituperative nature of discussion about the Voice on social media, it seems not much has changed since 1942.
Comments closed.
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Review - Our Vietnam War
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Image courtesy ABC iView |
This ABC programme has been broadcast on Tuesday nights for the last three weeks. It is also available on ABC iView.
It should be compulsory viewing for all Australian high school students, as it offers a comprehensive, factual and unbiased narrative of the conflict. It is also exquisitely made, featuring interviews with historians (some of whom served during the decade of the war), together with ex-service personnel, of both genders, and Vietnamese refugees. The music of the era provides a sound track, and contributes to an understanding of the time.
The interviews with people like Graham Edwards (ex-7RAR, who lost both legs in a mine incident in 1970), Harry Smith (D Coy commander Battle of Long Tan), Ashley Ekins (ex chief historian at the Australian War Memorial), Mark Dapin (author of The Nashos War and Australia's Vietnam: Myth vs History) and a couple of anti-war activists and Vietnamese refugees, provide an unrivalled cross section of recollections and perspectives.
The topic is covered comprehensively, beginning with the history of the French defeat and concluding with the long shadow created by the war in the lives of so many Australians.
I found it deeply moving, and would recommend it.
It can be found on ABC iView.
Here is a link to the trailer.
Comments closed.
Monday, 21 August 2023
Fifty Years On
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The 523 who were lost. |
I've just arrived back, gentle reader, from the commemoration in Canberra of the 50th anniversary of the end of the Australian commitment to Vietnam.
It was a very well-organised event, and the people who put the programme together achieved a fine balance between commemoration of the loss and sacrifice of those who were killed and wounded, and acknowledgement of the tragedy of the war.
The Canberra weather wasn't cooperative. We had about ten minutes of bright sunshine after the ceremony which was mostly conducted under rainy skies, but then the clearing westerlies turned up. I swear you could feel the snow on the shoulders of that wind.
I was able to link up with a few of the 5 platoon bunch, but we're getting a bit thin on the ground. All of us have age-related maladies, but that didn't spoil the fellowship. Sadly, it's probably the last reunion.
I made the mistake of booking into a caravan park outside of town, which meant I had to drive in and out. This put the kibosh on sharing more than one or two beers with the crew, but there you go.
There was a well-compiled video of the proceedings, and I've included it here.
It's well worth watching.
Comments closed.
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Back to School

Saturday, 5 August 2023
A Tribute to Sinéad O’Connor with a little help from Yeats...
Sunday, 23 July 2023
The Power of Listening (2)
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Apparently that's me. I don't really understand the picture. |
I've blogged about this before, gentle reader, but now that the legislation clearing the way for the referendum to be held has been passed, I'll have another look at the issue.
One of the reactions to that post was interesting, in that it claimed that self-interest has put a barrier between the resources allocated and the outcomes achieved. I wouldn't for a moment disagree with that, but that failed top-down model is the whole point of setting up a voice.
The historical record has shown us that whenever non-indigenous agencies come up with "solutions" to the problem of indigenous disadvantage, the result is failure. There is a succession of these "solutions", ranging from the formation of ATSIC in 1990 and its dissolution in 2005, to Howard's intervention in 2007.
ATSIC's abolition followed a 2005 report and enquiry by its Select Committee which found that although there had been widespread support for instituting changes to the way that ATSIC was structured and operated, there was also "overwhelming" support for the continued existence of a national Indigenous representative body. Most witnesses to the inquiry had suggested that regional operations could be improved, but they were strongly in favour of having a national, elected Indigenous representative body. Deep concerns were expressed about the disempowerment of Indigenous peoples. One of the recommendations was that the government "give active support and funding to the formation of a national Indigenous elected representative body, and provide it with ongoing funding". That recommendation went begging.The second was the poem above.
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Groundhog Day - Consultants on the Taxpayer's Dollar
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Image courtesy Australian Financial Review |
We're reading and watching plenty of media about the big four consulting firms.
My brief experience as a school principal with consultancies was an eye opener, and showed just how much of a scam many of their operations were. Nothing has changed.
Back in the late nineties, I was principal of a large regional special school. There was a department supplied special bus supplied as part of the infrastructure. It was equipped with a wheelchair hoist which allowed children with physical impairments to attend excursions along with their able-bodied peers. The previous three special schools I had led were similarly equipped, as were all other Queensland special schools at the time.
Apparently, providing kids with disabilities equity of access had become a low priority and Treasury had decided that supplying these buses on the taxpayer dollar was a bridge too far, even though the real cost was slight. They were replaced every five years, by which time the Q-Fleet leases resulted in an almost cost neutral exercise. They were traded at a price about the same as they were purchased tax-free by Q-fleet.
The decision had to be justified, of course, so Education Queensland commissioned a firm of consultants to come up with a rationale. The first I knew was when I received a phone call from someone senior in resources branch in head office saying that I would get a visit from a representative of the firm to assess the way in which the bus was being used. Half a dozen other schools statewide were also being investigated.
The consultant turned up shortly afterward armed with copious supplies of paperwork. He explained that he had a range of data collection documents, conveniently mounted on clipboards, that staff would be required to complete every time they used the bus. Information requested included destination, distance, reason for the journey including the educational aims of the excursion, name and role of the driver, and an approximation of the cost of the fuel involved.
Once completed, the documents were to be forwarded by post to the consultancy. I asked him what would be done with the information. He replied that it would be collated and sent to Treasury. I asked what the firm was being paid for the exercise, but he wouldn't tell me, claiming "commercial in confidence".
Off he went, back to Brisbane. After considering what my already overworked teachers were being asked to do, I phoned a few of my principal colleagues, who expressed reservations similar to mine. Eventually, we agreed that this task was beyond the role of our teachers, and one by one, phoned central office to break the sad news that we wouldn't cooperate. All the consultants were being paid for was to enter information into a database, summarise it, and forward it to central office. This information was not received with enthusiasm by head office, and comments were made about the career damaging possibilities of this non-cooperation.
The Union became involved, and that was the end of the exercise. Treasury pulled the pin.
Looking back on it, the episode was emblematic of how the use of consultants, on taxpayers' funds, has crept into public institutions. The current malfeasance exhibited by the big four is simply a sophisticated evolution of the process.
It's gratifying to see it called out at last, but great damage has been done to what used to be a frank and fearless public service. Between this and Robodebt, it's time for public service reform.
Unfortunately, the wound will take years to heal.
Comments closed.
Saturday, 8 July 2023
A Common and Consistent Thread
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Image courtesy The Mandarin |
The consequences of the botched Robodebt scheme are beginning to rattle through the ranks of senior public servants and ex-ministers in the previous Coalition administration.
The debacle was driven by a toxic combination of populist virtue-signalling, public service cowardice, and the raw application of coercive power.
The fact that there was never any legal basis for the process was completely ignored by those who knew that it was on shaky ground because they were afraid of telling the ministers and their staff something they didn't want to hear.
It killed people, but those people were unemployed, so there wasn't much attention paid.
The most disgraceful aspect of the whole deal was the populist dismissal of people on welfare as having little or no worth, and an attempt to appeal to voters through demonising them. The Coalition apparently believed that there was a vote or two in it.
It has, for me, a familiar ring.
Back in 2014 I was phoned by someone from DVA at 8:30 one night. She opened the conversation with the words "How does it feel to be defrauding the taxpayer?". I probably should have hung up then and there, but was so flabbergasted that I simply listened as she went on about what a nasty individual I was. Back then I was receiving a part pension through DVA predicated on the amount I was earning as an itinerant consultant. The amount varied, as some weeks I worked two days, some three, and others not at all.
Because of the varying nature of my employment I was diligent when it came to reporting my earnings. The issue arose because they were using averaging to determine income, and when it was far from average, as mine was, the system fell in a heap.
The scheme that developed into Robodebt was being rolled out, and it was not dealing with reality.
To cut a long story short, I requested my file under the Freedom of Information statute, and began a process with the Commonwealth Ombudsman. It turned out that my reports of my income had been filed, but nobody had read them, and I had indeed been overpaid the part service pension.
Problem was, I was not responsible for the error, but was threatened with debt recovery straight away without any consideration of how the overpayment came about.
The Ombudsman found that I did have an obligation to return the funds (although one legal friend advised me that I should take the agency to court because the evidence of their oversight was on file) and that I should pay the money back at the same rate at which the debt was incurred. Spread out like that, it was not an issue, so that was what I did, but at no time was there any acknowledgement of the error, or anything resembling an apology.
The timing of this incident was interesting. It happened immediately following the 2014 Coalition budget, which was also the springboard for the development of Robodebt.
The political culture of a party that has always treated voters as collateral was evident between 1965 and 1972 when it conscripted one in twelve young men to fight overseas in a civil war in peacetime to hold on to DLP preferences. That little frolic killed about two hundred. That same culture was evident between 2014 and 2018 when welfare recipients were demonised in an appeal to redneck voters. That killed a number which is unclear, but many were classified as "vulnerable".
It has come back to bite the Liberals and Nationals on the bum, but I doubt that it will make any difference to their political value system.
Power for power's sake is a common and consistent thread right through from 1965 until 2022. Appealing to fear and loathing has also been completely consistent during this period.
Comments closed.
Saturday, 1 July 2023
Of Bazball and English Encounters
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1980 Centenary test scoresheet. |
The ashes series currently underway in the UK reminds me of the Centenary Test held at Lord's between August 28th and September 2nd 1980.
At the time my bride and I were touring the UK and Europe in a hired Bedford Dormobile, a stolid and reliable vehicle, but not the easiest thing to drive on the congested British roads.
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Dormobile |
We had bought tickets to attend the Centenary test, although neither of us were cricket fans. Our attendance was more about the historic nature of that one-off match, than it was about the ashes, but it was an interesting experience. We were staying in a caravan park in London, and caught a bus to the ground to watch a full day's play.
From memory, Australia declared at the end of each innings, after Graeme Wood scored a century in the first, and Greg Chappell and Kim Hughes got stuck into the English bowlers in the second.
The Poms proceeded (through Geoff Boycott and Graham Gooch) to put up the shutters and play for a draw. It was a great spectacle, but pretty boring cricket.
A few days later, we had to put the Dormobile in for a scheduled service prior to crossing the channel, so booked it into a metropolitan Vauxhall dealer for the job, whilst we went shopping in the Mall and took in a movie. I can't remember what it was. That was over forty years ago, after all. It may have been The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, but I can't be sure.
We rocked up to the dealer and I produced travelers cheques to pay for the service. The bloke behind the counter wouldn't accept them, and the banks were closed as it was late in the day, so I called for the manager. We didn't have enough cash, and that was in the days before travelling with credit cards. The manager wasn't happy, and by this time, nor was I, so I told him he was running his business like his countrymen played cricket - lacking in imagination.
I don't know whether this conversation made any difference, or if our threat that we would have to sleep in the vehicle in the forecourt (given it was our accommodation) convinced him, but he released the vehicle. Looking back on it, the travelers' cheques were secure, but I don't think he'd struck anyone using them for payment, and this made him uncomfortable.
Now, forty years later, the Poms (or their media) are claiming they have seen the light and are now playing entertaining cricket. They call it Bazball.
Perhaps they've seen the light.
Thursday, 22 June 2023
What Has Changed?
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The woodcutters we encountered |
Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...

Fascism as a political movement exhibits four basic criteria. First, fascism it is not an ideology, but an activity. Secondly, it...
Pic courtesy The Atlantic The media is having a field day with its coverage of the pandem...
Two young women are apparently largely responsible for the reintroduction and spread of the Corona virus into South East Queensland. Their s...