Sunday, 16 August 2015

Locusts - Update

Pics courtesy Weekend Australian

Regular readers will recall this post on 27th June.

The Weekend Australian cottoned on to the same issue I posted about back then, and did a feature story yesterday. It's tucked behind Rupert's firewall, but if you click on the link above, you can read the text.

They obviously spoke to the same people I did.

It's good to know they look to this humble blog for story tips.


Bob's a fool said...

Self praise is no recommendation Bob, let's be honest and recognise these articles for what they are, a formulaic beat up that occurs every times there is a mining downturn and those that bleat loudest are those that gained the most in the short term.

1735099 said...

a formulaic beat up that occurs every times (sic) there is a mining downturn
So Bob, you seriously believe that the extraction industries benefit communities like Miles?
Suggest you take a trip out there and talk to the locals.
Don't forget to tell them that they're greedy and malicious. It will go down a treat.........

Bob's a fool said...

Nice name play Bob, and there was me thinking you were a dim witted humourless gift.....well done and an elephant stamp for you. As the rest of your you don't attribute comments to me that I didn't make, saying someone is bleating doesn't
equate to saying they are greedy or malicious, you probably qualify for the latter and I'm happy to tell you that.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...