Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Reality Check

This image was posted by a relative on Facebook the other day - H/T Chris.

It's a timely comparative reminder of the reality of our current debt levels.

It also puts the hysteria promoted by many in the MSM (especially the News Limited cabal) into perspective.

But it won't sell many newspapers......


cav said...

Well there are two ways of looking at this 1735099. How much debt is it per tax paying person, and how long will it take to pay off?

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is Australia should go into further debt because everyone else does it so much worse than we do? It's ok mate if Labor has their way, we will.

1735099 said...

So what you are saying is Australia should go into further debt?
No - that's what you're saying....

1735099 said...

Comparisons between household debt and government debt aren't valid. They've become fashionable with those who have a tenuous grasp on the pseudo science of economics.
Private debt is a much larger issue - but nobody complains about it -

Anonymous said...

"So what you are saying is Australia should go into further debt?
No - that's what you're saying"

Hmm....let's see where I said that....."So what you are saying is Australia should go into further debt because everyone else does it so much worse than we do?" I thought that was a question.....?????
The mind boggles at the suggestion that you are a Headmaster or were once.

1735099 said...

Show me where I said we should go into further debt.
And I was never a "headmaster". Only those in charge of subsidised schools (AKA "private" schools) called themselves "headmasters". I was a principal.

Anonymous said...

It's all in the a head master you'd be master of something.....(head) a principal you'd probably be worth about 2 cents.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...