Sunday, 15 January 2012

Thanks Heaps

Blot is on holidays, so posting on his twaddle is impossible.

Timmeh, however is not – possibly he worries that any absence would be undetectable, and he might be replaced by a robot.

His fears are well-founded. Given the monotonous and predictable contents of his postings, modifying a software programme of the kind used by Telstra (for example) and using an App such as Dragon would do the trick.

The quality would also improve.

So in Blot’s absence I comment quite regularly on Timmeh’s place.

It reminds me a bit of the morning routine with our senile terrier. She’s a lovely old thing, and sleeps in the laundry in a plastic kennel thingie. At the advanced age of 84 (in dog years) she’s become very set in her ways, and dislikes being chased outside unless the sun is warm, and there’s no wind.

When a sou-easter is blowing, these conditions are frequently absent, so turfing her out is usually accompanied by a great deal of snarling and growling. It's only noise. She's almost toothless.

Prodding Timmeh's posts has a similar result, in a manner of speaking. He has an almost canine attachment to his territory, and defends it fiercely. Lately, he has resorted to deleting all my posts and linking them to some website or other. It reminds me a bit of a Blue Heeler I once owned. Even the metros amongst you would know how male Heelers mark their territory.

Now this could be amusing, except that it’s always the same website. He's obviously got an issue with  perseveration.

 So for your edification, dear reader, I’m posting screen shots of a few of the deleted comments here. You can check them out and discern what is so threatening to Timmeh’s (apparently) delicate ego. Let me know what you see as the problem, and I’ll try to be good.

I promise.

A couple of other interesting things have happened. Hits on my blog have gone up about 25% since he’s been deleting my posts. My on-line book sales (linked to my blog) have also picked up momentum. Read BOAB's review here.

I’m actually making money now – printing and production costs are covered by sales to date.

Maybe Timmeh’s worth a commission. What do you reckon?

Perhaps it would encourage him to take a holiday - only trying to help.................

More ABC bashing. Maybe they lost his resume?

This is a recurring theme - Peacock envy perhaps?

Some people can't abide my tag. Not my problem.

You know the drill - click to embiggen.

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