Saturday, 26 February 2022

Cannon Fodder

Russian captives (423rd Yampoli MRR* Unit 91791)

The Russian Federation's assault on the Ukraine has shocked and horrified the western media.

Most of the outrage has been directed at the disregard shown by the Russian government and military towards the Ukrainian people, and it is difficult for outsiders in the west to accept this behaviour in the twenty-first century.

It is, unfortunately, nothing new. The 2008 Russo-Georgian war has much in common with the current situation in the Ukraine.

This war displaced a 192,000 people including both Ossetians and Georgians, and it has so much in common with the Ukrainian conflict, including a Russian push for access to warm water ports, Russian fear of a state on its periphery seeking NATO membership, and the protection of Russian speaking enclaves as justification for military intervention. 

Prior to both the Russo-Georgian and Ukrainian conflicts, the Second Chechen War set a template of sorts, with the added complication of the involvement of Islamic militants. The Russian soldiers involved in these conflicts are as much victims of the wars as the unfortunate civilians caught up in them. Estimates of Russian casualties in Chechnya vary between 7500 (official Russian figures) and 14000 (Committee of Soldiers' Mothers)

It should be remembered that many of these soldiers are conscripts. As of 2021, all male citizens of the Russian federation aged 18–27 are subject to conscription for one year of active duty which may include operational service. 

Soldiers returning from Chechnya have exhibited a disorder called CS (Chechnya Syndrome) which resembles the post Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan PTSD plaguing American and Australian returnees. All of this will no doubt be visited on Russian veterans of the Ukraine conflict when it is finally resolved.

Perhaps their situation may offer, in some perverse manner, a ray of hope towards the end of the conflict. How will the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers react to body bags being repatriated to Mother Russia in 2021?

Perhaps the deployment of mobile crematoriums with the units involved in the Ukrainian operation indicates that Putin is worried about backlash. 

As a footnote to this tragedy in Europe is the support for the Russian action displayed by the far Right in the USA. 

We live in strange times.

*Motorised Rifle Regiment

Comments closed.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be awful if the bio-weapons labs in Ukraine were taken out of action?
I mean, where would the next pandemic come from without them?

Anonymous said...

It is not alleged that the CIA or the FBI carried out the spying on Trump, in the recent claims. Allegedly it was contracted out to "private" business by the Democrats Clinton and O'bama. Reports were then prepared and submitted to the relevant departments.

"Childish" is an infantile reply and then to close comments without replying in an adult manner is merely an indication that you find the facts do not lend themselves to validation of your comments.

1735099 said...

the facts do not lend themselves

There are no "facts" - only delusional chit-chat on dodgy websites, as your choice of words such as "recent claims" and "allegedly" confirm.
You have been well and truly rounded up by the Kelpies I referred to previously.

1735099 said...

Veterans Today is another crackpot website.
From Wikipedia - Veterans Today is a pro-Kremlin, antisemitic conspiracy theory and fake news website. It describes itself as a "military veterans and foreign affairs journal", but the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) had said "the anti-Israel bent on VT can slide pretty quickly into overt anti-Semitism."
You have an uncanny knack for dredging them up.

Anonymous said...

"There are no "facts" - only delusional chit-chat on dodgy websites, as your choice of words such as "recent claims" and "allegedly" confirm"...incorrect once again, Booby.
My choice of words merely indicates that these are recently published claims, yet to be confirmed in a court of law. There is nothing to indicate delusional chit chat or even dodgy websites, except your beliefs on who can be believed and who cannot, after you make assumptions on the person making comments.
By the way, there are more than one person in the family Anonymous. You are sparring with two at the moment and mixing up your assumptions in your attempts at defending your stance on two different subjects.

1735099 said...

My choice of words merely indicates that these are recently published claims, yet to be confirmed in a court of law.
In other words, boiler plate bullshit. Thanks for clearing that up.
By the way, in future, comments not related to the posted topic won't be published.

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