Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Some Stats and Some Questions


Pic courtesy

I have posted before about the potential for the Covid pandemic to work as a catalyst.

Apart from that potential, it also provides a snapshot of how well various communities (and societies) work in times of crisis.

An analysis of the performance of the 51 US states on their management of this major health issue provides an insight into how well they function at their most basic task, that of keeping their citizens safe, and how political values are reflected in the outcome.

The measure I will use is the Covid-19 death rate per million as published on the Worldometer website, which uses a variety of information sources to arrive at the various statistics, and is generally reliable.

Let's rank the various American states from worst to best in terms of the deaths per million as of today (29th December 2021), list the political affiliation of the governor, and then specify the vaccination rates at December 28th for each state. The first figure represents the deaths per million for that state, and the percentage represents the vaccination rate -

1. Mississippi - 3501 - Republican - 48.06%

2. Alabama - 3352 - Republican - 47.49%

3. Arizona - 3317 - Republican - 56.85%

4. New Jersey - 3256 - Democratic - 70.26%

5.  Louisiana - 3222 - Democratic - 50.15%

6. New York - 3067 - Democratic - 71.53%

7. Tennessee - 3018 - Republican - 51.17%

8. Arkansas - 3014 - Republican - 51.06%

9. West Virginia - 2951 - Republican - 54.89%

10. Georgia - 2948 - Republican - 50.65%

11. Massachusetts - 2922 - Republican - 74.41%

12. Oklahoma - 2920 - Republican - 53.33%

13. Florida - 2905 - Republican - 63.11%

14. Rhode Island - 2875 - Democratic - 76.1%

15. Michigan - 2868 - Democratic - 56.59%

16. Pennsylvania - 2828 - Democratic - 63.57%

17. South Carolina - 2826 - Republican - 53.01%

18. Indiana - 2812 - Republican - 51.89%

19. South Dakota - 2790 - Republican - 56.83%

20. Montana - 2717 - Republican - 53.86%

21. New Mexico -  2754 - Democratic - 66.06%

22. Nevada - 2725 - Democratic - 56.26%

23. Kentucky - 2708 - Democratic - 54.09%

24. Wyoming - 2637 - Republican - 47.33%

25. North Dakota - 2627 - Republican - 52.38%

26. Texas - 2619 - Republican - 56.78%

27. Missouri - 2589 - Republican - 52.89%

28. Connecticut - 2546 - Democratic - 74.47%

29. Iowa - 2472 - Republican - 58.67%

30. Ohio - 2462 - Republican - 54.97%

31. Illinois - 2435 - Democratic - 64.2%

32. Kansas - 2390 - Democratic - 56.71%

33. Delaware - 2337 - Democratic - 63.96%

34. Idaho - 2313 - Republican - 46.15%

35. California - 1935 - Democratic - 65.95%

36. Maryland - 1931 - Republican - 70.2%

37. Wisconsin - 1903 - Democratic - 61.73%

38. Minnesota - 1868 - Democratic - 65.18%

39. North Carolina - 1841- Democratic - 52.38%

40. Colorado - 1817 - Democratic - 65.09%

41. Virginia - 1816 - Democratic - 67.86%

42. Nebraska - 1722 - Republican - 59.52%

43. District of Columbia - 1713 - Democratic - 67.41%

44. New Hampshire - 1423 - Republican - 67.01%

45. Oregon - 1333 - Democratic - 66.39%

46. Washington - 1294 - Democratic - 67.7%

47. Alaska - 1292 - Republican - 56.1%

48. Utah - 1177 - Republican - 58.44%

49. Maine - 1110 - Democratic - 75.56%

50. Hawaii - 764 - Democratic - 63.38%

51. Vermont - 745 - Republican - 77.29%

And, just for the hell of it, let's list the same data for the various Australian states (which, to be consistent, requires some squirrelly maths to arrive at the deaths per million figure as expressed for the USA. The figures for Tasmania, the NT, WA, SA, and Qld are comparatively meaningless, as they are projections per million for the very few deaths that have occurred in those jurisdictions. You'll note that whilst only one person has died from Covid in the NT, my data says "4". this is simply a projection based on the population of about a quarter of a million. The same mathematical contortions are employed for Tasmania. I include these figures in the same form as the US figures to provide a basis for comparison. Again, the first figure is the death rate per million, and the last the percentage of fully vaccinated individuals) -

1. Victoria - 225 - Labor - 92.4%    

2. New South Wales - 80 - Coalition - 93.5%

3. ACT - 34.7 - Labor/Green -  95%

4. Tasmania - 24 - Coalition -  92.8%  

5. Northern Territory - 4 - Labor -  84.1%          

6. Western Australia - 3.3 - 83.4%         

7. South Australia - 2.8 - Coalition -  87.7% 

8. Queensland - 1.3 - Labor - 86.1%

Now, let's ask some questions.

It's up to you, gentle reader, to answer them.

1. Is there any connection between the political affiliation of the state legislature and the death rate? Of the top 10 worst performing states in the US, 7 are Republican, and 3 are Democrat. In Oz, it appears irrelevant, although Labor doesn't come up smelling of roses in Victoria.

2. Is there any connection between vaccination rates and death rates? In the US, with the exception of New Jersey and New York, the states with the highest death rates have the lowest vaccination rates.

3. What is the reason for the massive difference between the consolidated death rate in the USA of 2522 per million and the Australian figure of 85. Why is it thirty times ours?

It's somewhat sobering to understand that if that rate for Oz was the same as it is in the USA, we would have lost 64,000 Australians.

That's 7000 more than the number of Americans killed in Vietnam.

They built a wall in Washington to remember them. Every person killed had his or her name inscribed. It made an impact when I saw it in 2018. 

Will the saving of so many Australian lives be acknowledged?


Anonymous said...

Keep up, Bob. The PCR test has been completely discredited. Officially. But we knew this 2 years ago. So no proof of any Covid cases. Or deaths. And no proof of any lives saved. Not one. Plenty of vaccine injuries and deaths though.
Come out of retirement and get yourself a job at the Toowoomba gulag. The write an article about how the forcible incarceration of well people and the involuntary injection of those people was for their health. First hand experiences are always the best. Call it Wellness in the Woomba.

1735099 said...

The PCR test has been completely discredited
You're quite wrong.
From -, (Journal of Radiology - Vol. 298, No. 2 - Sept 1 2020)
predictive value, and positive predictive value of chest CT in the diagnosis of COVID-19 were 2319 of 2564 (90%; 95% CI: 89, 91), 2056 of 2260 (91%; 95% CI: 91, 92), 2056 of 2300 (89%; 95% CI: 87, 90), and 2319 of 2524 (92%; 95% CI: 91, 93), respectively.
And no proof of any lives saved.
Explain why Australia has a death rate from Covid one thirtieth of the rate in the USA.
Plenty of vaccine injuries and deaths though.
Post your evidence. (Tip - concocted reports from PJ Media, Gateway Pundit, or Hot Air, are not evidence. Stick to the medical journals).
The (sic) write an article...
The only people "forcibly incarcerated" are those who are vectors for the virus. Two state governments were returned with increased majorities after voters supported these measures.
Obviously, you are the only digger in the platoon in step...

Anonymous said...

Inventor says - The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.”

So not as bad as the common cold


QldHealth again

Bob in 2021

Bob in 2022

Bob in 2023

1735099 said...

Inventor says
Was that the Kary Mullis who experimented with LSD, and went completely bonkers afterwards? BTW, the PCR test is valuable (and reliable) because it makes the nature and composition of the virus measurable.
So not as bad as the common cold
From your link - Everyone who gets COVID-19 will experience it a little differently.
The common cold rarely kills. Covid has claimed over 5 million lives worldwide so far.
What sort of show...
The Omicron strain has overwhelmed the health system, and it will get worse before it gets better. This is always the consequence when a public health issue becomes politicised. Read my post again and note the consequences of this in the USA, where the comparative statistics make it plain.
Bob in 2021
Again, the statistics (both worldwide and in the USA) make the consequences of vaccine hesitancy clear.
Bob in 2022
So do you have annual flu shots, as 8,816,128 Australians did in 2020?
It says a great deal about your capacity to reason when you counter logic and fact with funny pictures. I know a few three year olds who do that....

People who have extreme symptoms or side effects from the virus may take weeks or months to recover fully, while people with a mild illness may feel completely better within a week or two.

Anonymous said...

"Was that the Kary Mullis who experimented with LSD, and went completely bonkers afterwards"
You really should check your sources. Experimentation with LSD was in the 60s. Probably around the time CIA were experimenting with it.
Awards and honors
1990: William Allan Memorial Award of the American Society of Human Genetics,[62] Preis Biochemische Analytik of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Boehringer Mannheim[63]
1991: National Biotechnology Award,[64] Gairdner Award,[64] R&D Scientist of the Year,[64] John Scott Award of the City Trusts of Philadelphia[65]
1992: California Scientist of the Year Award[64]
1992: Robert Koch Prize[66]
1993: Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Japan Prize,[1] Thomas A. Edison Award[64]
1994: Honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of South Carolina[23]
1994: Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement[67]
1998: Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame,[68] Ronald H. Brown American Innovator Award[69]
2004: Honorary degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Bologna, Italy[70]
2010: Honorary degree of Doctor honoris causa in the field of biological sciences from Masaryk University, Czech Republic[7

1735099 said...

You really should check your sources.
How about The Scientist as a source?
From their article on his death on August 7th, 2109 -
Mullis was known as a “weird” figure in science and “flamboyant” philanderer who evangelized the use of LSD, denied the evidence for both global warming and HIV as a cause of AIDS, consulted for O.J. Simpson’s legal defense, and formed a company that sold jewelry embedded with celebrities’ DNA. The opening paragraph of his Nobel autobiography includes a scene depicting a visit from Mullis’s dying grandfather in “non-substantial form.”
This bloke may have been an inventor, but he was also a demonstrated snake-oil merchant.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...