Thursday, 2 December 2021

Bill Logan on our War Heritage.

This is the recording of a speech given by Bill Logan at the Australian War Memorial about our war heritage quite a few years ago.

It resonated for me when I remembered Long Tan. 

I have been there twice. The first time was when we set out on our second operation in country in April 1970 after forming up there prior to an overnight insertion into our AO.

The second time was when I travelled to Vietnam in 2006 with my two sons, and we visited the memorial with its simple stone cross.

Apart from that, Long Tan is significant for me because a bloke who was my friend at Downlands college in 1961-62, Francis Topp, was killed in the first few minutes of the battle.

You'll find it here -

Vietnam veterans may find it interesting.

Simply click on the pale green triangle.

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