Sunday, 31 October 2021

The Transpacific Virus

Apart from Covid-19, there is another virus circulating at the moment.

It is just as dangerous as the Covid Pandemic, but it originated in the USA, not China. Its consequences are real, as can be observed by the chaotic state of US politics.

I'm referring, of course, to the epidemic of distrust of institutions and government across the Pacific since the Tea Party movement emerged towards the first ten years of the new millennium. That movement grew out a sense of grievance and entitlement precipitated by globalism, automation, and the GFC.

Political movements generated by national grievance rarely end well. Examples include Brexit, which is wreaking havoc on daily life in the UK right now, and the Tea Party itself, which has changed some Republicans from a credible conservative movement to a baying mob, despite the fact that it The Tea Party largely disappeared from the scene in its original form. National grievance was one of the major factors driving the rise of the NAZI movement in Germany in the thirties, and remains a large component of Chinese nationalism, used extremely effectively by the CCP under Xi Jinping.

Another component assisting the rise of grievance politics is the role of US corporate media, exemplified by Fox news, and these days, Newsmax. Gone are the days when the corporate media reported the public mood. These days they make a profit by exploiting that mood, monetising it, and then selling it back to the consumers of that same media. 

These same consumers are always prepared to pay for what they want to hear. They become opinion junkies, and this phenomenon leeches into social media. Recently, social media platforms have belatedly started to arrest the tide of misinformation and disinformation that feeds this sense of grievance. Facebook and Twitter have begun to do this, although with great reluctance, as it messes with their business model. It took an insurrection for Twitter to give Trump the shove. 

None of this would bother me very much, except that it is beginning to have an effect locally. One example of this is the imported outrage from the US about vaccine mandates and lockdowns.  Despite the fact that the Australian death rate from the virus per head of population is about 1/25 of what is it across the Pacific (67 per million vs 2297) there are voices here jumping on the culture wars bandwagon, and demanding an end to mandates and restrictions. They even use the same four word slogan.

 The most recent example is the introduction of legislation designed to require voters to present ID at the ballot box. It is designed to solve a problem which does not exist in this country, and has already been resolved in Queensland, where people on the electoral roll are posted an ID card to their address, and present that when they vote. I'm accumulating a collection.

A far greater problem than electoral fraud in this country is the rate of participation in state and federal elections - (91.9%) at the last federal poll. Despite the Electoral Commission seeing this as an achievement, we'd be doing better as a democracy if everybody got to vote.  How about the legislature take measures to ensure this disenfranchised 8.1% of the Australian electorate votes, rather than chasing the less than 0.001% of the electorate who allegedly tried to vote more than once at the last federal poll?

I won't hold my breath for an answer.

Comments closed.



Anonymous said...

COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report - 04-11-2021
Release date
Thursday, 4 November 2021
Previous reports

The TGA closely monitors reports of suspected side effects (also known as adverse events) to the COVID-19 vaccines. This is the most intense safety monitoring ever conducted in Australia.

Like all medicines, COVID-19 vaccines may cause some side effects. The most frequently reported include injection-site reactions (such as a sore arm) and more general symptoms, like headache, muscle pain, fever and chills. This reflects what was seen in the clinical trials.

We are carefully monitoring and reviewing reports of:

myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA vaccines, particularly in younger age groups

thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) following Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) following Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)

immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) following Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)

Total adverse event reports to 31 October 2021
Reporting rate per 1000 doses
Total AEFI reports received
Total doses administered
Total reports for Vaxzevria
Total reports for Comirnaty
Total reports for Spikevax
To 31 October 2021, the total number of adverse event reports received where the brand of the COVID-19 vaccine was not specified was 409.

Reported side effects for COVID-19 vaccines

The TGA is closely monitoring reports in people aged under 18 years. To 31 October 2021, we have received 1411 reports after vaccination with Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Spikevax (Moderna). The most commonly reported reactions are:


chest pain


fainting (syncope)


Reports of death in people who have been vaccinated
Large scale vaccination means that some people will experience a new illness or die within a few days or weeks of vaccination. These events are often coincidental, rather than being caused by the vaccine.

The TGA reviews all deaths reported in people who have been recently vaccinated. As the number of people being vaccinated has increased, so has reporting of fatal events with a coincidental association with vaccination. Our review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest that the vaccines played a role in the vast majority of these deaths.

Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 31 October 2021, about 35.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered. The TGA has found 9 reports of death that were linked to immunisation from 642 reports received and reviewed. The overwhelming majority of deaths reported occurred in people aged 65 years and older. The deaths linked to immunisation occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were TTS cases and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).

1735099 said...

I'll bold and comment.
The TGA closely monitors reports of suspected side effects (also known as adverse events) to the COVID-19 vaccines. This is the most intense safety monitoring ever conducted in Australia.
That's good.
Like all medicines, COVID-19 vaccines may cause some side effects. The most frequently reported include injection-site reactions (such as a sore arm) and more general symptoms, like headache, muscle pain, fever and chills. This reflects what was seen in the clinical trials.
Hardly surprising.
Total AEFI reports received - 39,965. Total doses administered - 35,715,731.
That's an adverse report rate of 0.11189%.
Compare that with adverse reporting data for (as an example) Fluvax/Fluvax Junior -
Detailed investigations in Australia from April to July 2010 determined that the 2010 trivalent influenza vaccine Fluvax/Fluvax Junior (CSL) was associated with febrile convulsions in children < 5 years of age at a rate of 500-700 per 100,000 doses.
That's a rate of 0.6, a much higher rate than for Covid-19 reactions. We hear no outrage about this. That's because there has been no politicalization of Fluvax. As I wrote above in my post, the real virus is politicalization of the issue, emanating mostly from the USA. Examination of adverse reactions from other vaccines (many compulsory) reveal similar outcomes.
Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 31 October 2021, about 35.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered. The TGA has found 9 reports of death that were linked to immunisation from 642 reports received and reviewed.
So that is 9 deaths in 35.7 million doses. Your chances of dying from Covid, based on Australian figures are about 71 per million. The vaccine has killed 0.25 per million. Like over 80% of Australians so far who can actually count, I'll take my chances with the vaccine...

Anonymous said...

"So that is 9 deaths in 35.7 million doses." After reduction from reports of 642 by denying attribution on the basis of other co mormidities. Pity the same rules weren't applied to the death rates attributed to the disease where any mention of covid on a death certificate along with other comorbidities and collated by ABS, give the exagerated result used to further the high incidence of death. Death "with" covid is not death "by" covid, but the numbers are used as the same to enable inflated figures. Quite a different method used to give numbers desired, as against the numbers recorded by TGA which are reduced by "investigation".
If you can guarantee me that I can't be infected, carry or infect anyone with the disease after being vaccinated...that the vaccine won't kill me out right or worsen my health to bring on death, or seriously impair my health in the long term, then I do not see the point of taking the risk, no matter how small YOU deem it to be. After all the risk cannot be deemed to be small if the manufacturers and people doing the injecting sought immunity from prosecution or civil suit prior to the measure being implemented.
Don't mix numbers with percentages Bobby.....250,000,000 sounds like a lot but if it is the number of cases in 7,900,000,000 it is only 3.6% of the global population who "proved" positive (so far) to Covid. of the 250,000,000 cases 5,000,000 deaths is 2%. Of the global population 7,900,000,000 that is 0.06%. Actual numbers and percentages included in an a comment without actually explaining them can be at best confusing and at worst deliberate concealment.
5,000,000 deaths is horrific in anyones book but the tens of millions of deaths brought on by communist ideology on their own populations seem easily overlooked by the lefties in this society.

If I knowingly take a risk and suffer for it then I am a fool.

If I am forced to into taking a risk by a second party and suffer for it, I am a victim. In this case a victim without recourse for compensation, or the possibility of punishment of the offender.

Anonymous said...

Run your Italian interpreter over this

1735099 said...

Run your Italian interpreter over this
Sad to see that the virus politicising the pandemic has not only crossed the Pacific, but has also spread to the Mediterranean.

1735099 said...

included in an a comment without actually explaining them can be at best confusing and at worst deliberate concealment.
Yes, that's always a problem with objective facts like actual numbers and percentages.
They can inconveniently stuff up weird arguments in about a second flat.
but the tens of millions of deaths brought on by communist ideology on their own populations seem easily overlooked by the lefties in this society
That particular rabbit hole has absolutely nothing to do with Covid. And if that is a reference to me, I've been right handed since birth...

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...