Tuesday, 16 December 2014

An Ill Wind

The above photo was taken in Sarajevo in 1941, showing a Muslim woman walking with her Jewish neighbor and covering her yellow star with her veil.

In light of the tragic events in Sydney, it's worth remembering the adage.

This reflection doesn't mask the horror of the events, but it does acknowledge the basic compassion that dwells in the hearts of average Australians.

I'm referring of course, to #illridewith you.

This phenomenon - spontaneous - not organised, indicates that rationality and compassion always trumps fear and xenophobia.

Something similar happened in Sarajevo in 1941 - see photo.


Anonymous said...

Care to comment on the rumour that "I'll ride with you" is based on bullshit?

1735099 said...

The conflict entrepreneurs are seriously ticked off by any show of human compassion, so they're doing their absolute best to discredit it.
The origin of the phenomenon is irrelevant.
The triumph of the human spirit that it reveals is what counts. Australians are, at heart, generous and courageous people. Celebrate that.

Anonymous said...

The origin of the phenomenon is irrelevant.....so in the religion of global warming that is the over riding argument when any one voices an alternative view in relation to the reasons for climatic conditions.

1735099 said...

Um - wondering what #illridewithyou has to do with global warming.
Wait - silly me!
Of course....they're both part of that great worldwide left wing/communist/socialist conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

"Wait-silly me!".....well you got that part right.

1735099 said...

Not my problem if you're too thick to recognise sarcasm.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Cagle.com Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...