Friday, 6 June 2014


Those of you not living in Queensland may not have heard of the LNP government's push for asset sales.

A very expensive PR campaign seems not to have convinced Queensland voters that it is the way to go.

Like many other locals, I completed the "Strong Choices" survey, and despite its architecture, which was designed to produce asset sales as the best outcome, I had little trouble in fixing the deficit without resorting to the favoured strategy.

Unfortunately for the government, the survey did not produce the required result.

Which brings me to the images posted here.

The first one compares energy tariffs in the states on the basis of privatised and state owned utilities.

The second one examines consumer complaints related to when the privatisation occurred.

These pictures tell a thousand words.

For me, bottom line is, along with millions of other Queenslanders, I take a dim view of someone selling my property, and then allowing the new owners to rip me off in favour of their shareholders.

And for those of you interested in data rather than anecdote, here is an abstract from a British study* into costs and benefits of privitisation -

 We report a social cost-benefit analysis of the privatisation and restructuring of the Central Electricity Generating Board which generated and transmitted all public electricity in England and Wales until 1990. The main benefits came from generator efficiency gains, switching from nuclear power, and lower emissions. The main costs came from higher prices for imported French electricity, the cost of restructuring and premature investment in the gas-fired generating plant. Our central estimate is a permanent cost reduction of 5% per year, equivalent to an extra 40% return on assets. Consumers and government lose, and producers gain more than the cost reduction.

* The Journal of Industrial Economics
Volume 45, Issue 3, pages 269–303, September 1997


Anonymous said...

Don't know where you get your numbers from numbers but I am a resident of Vic. and this very day have been offered power at 26.96down to 19.68 per kw and my current supplier is charging 26.36 down to 25.83. The new offer also comes with a 27% discount if paid on time and 8 dollar reduction in supply charge.... I haven't mentioned my concession entitlement yet. Your 31 cents appears to be at odds with reality.

1735099 said...

Well bully for you.
I looked at my last bill, and in regional Queensland, my tariff is 2 cents per kw hour less than your best offer, and includes a rebate of 91 days @ $0.7037 if paid by the due date.
You can keep your privatized system.
If you would like to learn about how privatization works in the Australian environment, get yourself a copy of The Promise and Perils of Infrastructure Privatization: The Macquarie Model by Lewis D Solomon - Palgrave Macmillan 2009.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to waffle as usual or pull down your graph with the b.s. figures. And where did I indicate that I liked privatization of public utilities. You've been caught out again and have no real answer for it. No point in looking for a posted this crap and are therefore responsible for the discrepancies.

1735099 said...

Are you going to waffle as usual or pull down your graph with the b.s. figures

No, because the figures are accurate.

No point in looking for a unicorn...

You're the one looking for mythical creatures. Get a grip......

Anonymous said...

Figures are not either you've created your own figures to push your idea or you have not checked the veracity of your source. with that in mind, perhaps you should apply for a job with the ABC, or a climate change authority, or a union, or even go into opposition with Mr. Bolt.

1735099 said...

If you don't like my figures - do some research and debunk them.
If you aren't prepared to do that, pull your head in, but be careful not to snag your horn (refer unicorn) in the process.

Anonymous said...

You are are one of life's constants Bobby. No need to research your figures, life experience and current electricity bill for a Victorian account debunks your myth of 31.9 cents/kw. Enough said, pointless engaging with a teacher....they know it all and deny errors or B.S. intended to ratify their point.

1735099 said...

Your life experience should also have taught you that repeating abuse at someone with whom you disagree is a waste of time.
This is a discussion forum, not an excuse to abuse.
BTW, I'll always post comments unless they break a few basic rules. One of those rules is to address me by my tag.
You're on a warning.

Anonymous said...

Oh.....the fear that post invokes has me trembling. That fact that I may not be published does not prevent you reading what I put up. I am letting you know what I one else in the equation.

1735099 said...

I'm frankly not interested in what you think, especially as it is driven by spite and ignorance.
Do some research. It's not difficult - try Google Scholar.
There's always the possibility you might learn something........

Anonymous said...

I reiterate.....No need to research your figures, life experience and current electricity bill for a Victorian account debunks your myth of 31.9 cents/kw for Victorian power costs.

"I'm frankly not interested in what you think"
I reiterate.....Enough said, pointless engaging with a teacher....they know it all and deny errors or B.S. intended to ratify their point.
Do you squat when you pee?

1735099 said...

Do you squat when you pee?
This is a blog for adults.
Go here, you'll be more at home -

Anonymous said...

I learned from someone a long time ago that you never debate with...
1. A woman.
2. A child and
3. A person of unsound mind.
The reason being that no matter how correct your argument is you will never win.
Which of the three are you numbers?

1735099 said...

I learned from someone a long time ago that you never debate with...
But still you persist.
Obviously a slow learner...........

Anonymous said...

Still cranking you up headmaster and you keep coming in like a shark on burley. Like all teachers must have last say and refuse to acknowledge errors or fabrications, even when pointed out by the audience.

Unknown said...

The Kou365k article on tobacco enablers

Anonymous said...

And then there is this.

Anonymous said...

and then there is this.

Anonymous said...

and then there is this.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...