Thursday, 18 July 2013

The March of Technology

This is my kit - iPad plus Dell laptop

Back in the late seventies, I was doing the job I’m doing now. Decades of principalship, and regional management jobs intervened, but on “retirement”, the opportunity presented itself to do advisory work again.

I took it up, because it’s challenging, full of variety, and I enjoy traveling and working in the bush.

Much has changed since, not the least of which is the fact that I’m enjoying the job more now. It has something to do with choice. I learned as a conscript that compulsion takes the edge of enjoyment from most things.

The other major change is the march of technology.

Back then, the only technology I used was a wrist watch, a motor car, and a typewriter. As I recall it, photocopiers were only just beginning to emerge.

If you wanted to reproduce something on paper, you had to cut a stencil. You used a fiendish device called a Gestetner

My memory is a bit vague in terms of exactly how these things were used, but I remember the smell they generated.

These days, I find myself relying more and more on IT.

There’s the laptop for a start. I have to store a fair bit of information, and avoid carrying paper files because of the security risk. It’s easy to mislay a file when you’re in and out of classrooms, offices, people’s homes, and of course, motels.

The laptop is useful in this data access application. Its disadvantage is the time it takes to boot up.

This is where the iPad comes into its own. With this, I can access a limited number of files using an application like Polaris Office.

The iPad is a very versatile piece of kit. I use the diary, the email and browser when I’m in a school or motel, and the learning applications when I’m in the classroom. Its greatest advantage is its portability, but accessibility is also a virtue.

I can be barreling along the Warrego and my phone (Bluetooth – more technology) will ring with often a teacher or principal wanting to change an arrangement at short notice. This happens frequently in schools – they can be chaotic.

Usually, a couple of calls and some changes to the diary on the iPad will sort it quickly and without fuss.

The iPad is useful for note-taking when I’m in a classroom, although it distracts many kids who see an iPad as a great escape from something boring. I can email any notes I take to my laptop, and write the report based on these notes in the evening in the motel, and email it to the school next day.

This immediacy is important, as a report turning up a week later has often passed its shelf life, given the pace of things in schools in the 21st century.

The synching feature will also allow me to swap diaries from laptop to desktop to iPad, although this particular feature is not 100% reliable. The Apple/Microsoft interface still isn’t completely sorted.

Then there are the communication applications for non-verbal kids, and the plethora of learning applications (great for consolidation of literacy and numeracy skills).

Mind you, you can’t really teach anything new with an iPad App – they’re OK for consolidation and revision only.


Anonymous said...

"I learned as a conscript that compulsion takes the edge of enjoyment from most things".....not really true, Jordan. Your rebellious years began at Uni, where you learned to dislike being told what to do. Conscription taught you that sometimes there are unpopular consequences for making poor choices.

1735099 said...

I have no idea who "Jordan" is, and how you know so much about him.
It occurs to me that if you have such amazing psychic powers you don't really need the internet.

Anonymous said...

Strange, I didn't rouse your ire you when I referred to you previously as Ted. Bearing that in mind I believe you know exactly what I mean pseudonym dropper. If I am incorrect then I apologise to Ted and Jordo.....I am sure they would not like think that they wear your shoes.

1735099 said...

I didn't rouse your ire you
I am sure they would not like think
Hint - Make sure your comment actually makes sense before you post it.

Anonymous said...

Strange, I didn't rouse your ire when I referred to you previously as Ted. Bearing that in mind I believe you know exactly what I mean pseudonym dropper. If I am incorrect then I apologise to Ted and Jordo.....I am sure they would not like to think that they wear your shoes.

Reprint, after checking by my headmaster.

Still no denial.....says it all.

1735099 said...

You're still not making sense.

cav said...

I don't have an ipad.

I use a laptop that belongs to my wife.

I have an apple phone that I will replace with a cheapy from Coles or Woolies (a no contract version) when my current contract is up.

I have Austar (now Foxtel) that I will relinquish soon.

I'm over technology and the continual need to update (and pay more money)to communicate.

In future I will use my eyes, ears and voice - just like the old days.

Are you listening Ted, Jordan, 1725099 and anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Always the voice of sanity Cav.....happy to have served with you.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...