Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Cens**ed by Timmeh

Demonstrating a conspicuous lack of moral fibre, Blair's censors refuse my comments on his blog. This, as far as I'm concerned, is a complement, given the standard of both his posts, and the comments thereon.

It's amazing how the erstwhile proponents of free speech go to water when their world view is threatened, even in the most light hearted manner. Apparently the very Oz sport of stirring has been consigned to the dustbin of history by the Blair or his minders in the MSM.

I guess the same flavour has gone from political debate. When was the last time you heard a healthy exchange between a pollie and a heckler? I guess the demise of stump speeches has removed the opportunity. It's a shame, because this kind of dialogue is the essence of a healthy democracy.

It's occurred to me that there may be some readers out there who have an interest in what constitutes, in the eyes of Blair's censors, unacceptable comment.

To this end, I've opened this thread which will feature any comment censored. You can make up your own mind, and unlike Blair's blog, your comments will not be censored - favourable or otherwise.

I'll update it as I go.

My censored comment on the thread Red Hot (see screen shot) -

OMG another VLWC!!!*
Save us, Timmeh.

*Vast left wing conspiracy.


My censored comment on the thread Great Kuwait Debate (see screen shot) -

Obviously this offence belongs in the same category as sharing your SIMs card with rellies and leaving the country to visit your new baby. Heinous!


My censored comment on the thread Make Them Pay (See screen shot) -

My thoughts are with his family and his mates. May he rest in peace.

I'm wondering what's objectionable about paying tribute to an Australian soldier. Any ideas?

Update (16.01.09)

My censored comment on the thread Bra Worn (see screen shot) -

Apart from the fact that the collateral negative effect of state-sponsored torture (radicalisation of sympathisers) is obvious, there has never been a clear understanding that it is effective.


Boy on a bike said...

It's really hard to read the dark blue letters against your black background.

I reckon TB's old site was 1000% better than the new one. Andrea poked a few people with her zulu spear now and then, but it was very rare, and you had to do something frighful to have a comment yanked.

It would not surprise me to find that Tran and Nkomo are in fact lawyers, hired to cover the arse of News Corp. I think half the fun of a blog like Blair's is the mess you get when you mix two volatile groups. Consenting adults should be free to lay into each other from time to time.

BTW, the last good put down of a heckler was by Menzies. Yes, it has been a long time.

1735099 said...

Tommy Burns (Queensland) was the best I've seen in dealing with hecklers.

I remember listening to Menzies on the radio when I was a kid with my dad swearing in the background.
Dad's favourite Menzies joke (with whiskers on)-

Bob Menzies went surfing and got into difficulties. He was going down for the third time, when a young lifesaver grabbed him and dragged him to safety.
Once he had composed himself, Menzies said to his rescuer -
"You've saved my life - what can I do to thank you?"
"You can grant me a state funeral".
"That's a strange request", said Menzies. " Why would a young man like you want a state funeral?"
"Because if my mates find out that I've saved Bob Menzies, they'll kill me".

Anonymous said...

I can't read your censored comments, can you post them here?

I thought Blair was basically a stirrer so I'd like to know what was so offensive about your comments.

Oh and how about "run over the bastards!"
NSW premier Askin

1735099 said...

Not sure why you can't read the comments. They're in italics beside the screen shots of Blair's original posts. But anyway, here they are -

"OMG another VLWC!!!*
Save us, Timmeh.

*Vast left wing conspiracy."
(On post "Red Hot")


"Obviously this offence belongs in the same category as sharing your SIMs card with rellies and leaving the country to visit your new baby. Heinous!"
(On post "Great Kuwait Debate")


"My thoughts are with his family and his mates. May he rest in peace."
(On post "Make Them Pay").

I'll admit to taking some offence at not being allowed to comment on the sacrifice of an Australian digger.

Appeasement Revisited

Pic courtesy Cagle.com Any student of history, gentle reader, will recall an incident in 1938, when a national leader returned to his countr...